While MTPs may not cover unit contingency plans, this document includes tasks to meet the Army force projection mission and includes tasks related to deployment, relocation of the unit in a new operating site, establishment of logistics operational areas, base defense, life support functions and redeployment operations. This mission training plan (MTP) provides the Headquarters Detachment Commander and Training Officer with a task-based, event-driven training strategy to enable the unit to accomplish its critical missions in major theaters of war (MTW), stability operations, support operations and/or small scale contingencies (SSC). *This publication supersedes ARTEP 63-125-MTP, 30 March 1989.Ĭhapter 6 External Evaluations 6-1 6-1 INTRODUCTION 6-1 6-2 PREPARING THE EVALUATION 6-1 6-3 SELECTING THE OBSERVER CONTROLLERS 6-9 6-4 TRAINING THE OBSERVER CONTROLLERS 6-9 6-5 RECORDING EXTERNAL EVALUATION INFORMATION 6-10 6-6 SELECTING AND TRAINING THE OPFOR 6-13 6-7 CONDUCTING THE EVALUATION 6-14 6-8 CONDUCTING THE AFTER ACTION REVIEW 6-16Ī-1Appendix A Combined Arms Training Strategy ARMY TRAINING AND HEADQUARTERS EVALUATION PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 63-136-30-MTP Washington, DC, 10 September 2001Ĭhapter 1 Unit Training 1-1 1-1 GENERAL 1-1 1-2 SUPPORTING MATERIAL 1-1 1-3 CONTENTS 1-2 1-4 MISSIONS 1-2 1-5 PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING 1-3 1-6 TRAINING STRATEGY 1-3 1-7 CONDUCTING TRAINING 1-3 1-8 FORCE PROTECTION (RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY) 1-4 1-9 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1-15 1-10 EVALUATION 1-17 1-11 FEEDBACK 1-17Ĭhapter 2 Training Matrix 2-1 2-1 GENERAL 2-1 2-2 TRAINING MATRIX-MISSION TO COLLECTIVE TASKS 2-1Ĭhapter 3 Mission Outline 3-1 3-1 GENERAL 3-1 3-2 MISSION OUTLINE 3-1Ĭhapter 4 Training Exercises 4-1 4-1 GENERAL 4-1 4-2 FIELD TRAINING EXERCISE 4-1 4-3 SITUATIONAL TRAINING EXERCISE 4-1 4-4 SAFETY 4-1 4-5 VISUALIZATION 4-1Ĭhapter 5 Training and Evaluation Outlines 5-1 5-1 INTRODUCTION 5-1 5-2 STRUCTURE 5-1 5-3 FORMAT 5-1 5-4 USE 5-2ĭISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release distribution is unlimited.